Testimonials from Members
"TYAI is a wonderful resource for artists who make work for young audiences. They have supported my development as an artist by funding trips to Young at Art (Belfast) and On the Edge (Assitej International). Attending these festivals has benefitted my practice hugely, as I have seen international shows which have inspired my work since." Mollie Molumby, Bombinate Theatre
"TYAI has been a valuable resource for me as an emerging TYA practitioner, both before and during the current pandemic crisis. Through TYAI, I've twice availed of bursaries to see work in the Belfast Children's Festival, which also provided me with the opportunity to build my professional network. As well as talks and workshops with industry professionals both in person and digitally, the organisation provided support and information as the sector grappled with Covid restrictions. My membership of TYAI has undoubtedly strengthened my professional practice as maker of theatre for young audiences, and has been a lifeline during these times of uncertainty, connecting me with both my fellow Irish TYA artists and with professional networks in the UK, US and further afield." Cathal McGuire, Game Theory
"As an individual member of TYAI since 2008, I have benefited enormously from being part of a community that has developed and championed the importance of Theatre (and Dance) for young audiences in Ireland and around the world. TYAI not only is the formal home of ASSITEJ in Ireland, but also provides an important infrastructure within which artists can build meaningful and sustainable careers in creating and presenting excellent theatre experiences for young audiences." Paul Curley, Theatre Artist
"TYAI has been invaluable for my practice over the past years. TYAI has connected me with other artists working in the field from Ireland and from abroad, and has allowed me to develop my work and deepen my understanding of the field of performing arts for children, giving me the opportunity to visit Belfast Children's festival in 2019. During this Covid 19 crisis, TYAI has provided a space for artists to share our realities, expressing different points of views, practices and continuing strengthening and growing the sector and our professional development." Monica Munoz, Dance Artist
"TYAI has been a valuable resource for me as an emerging TYA practitioner, both before and during the current pandemic crisis. Through TYAI, I've twice availed of bursaries to see work in the Belfast Children's Festival, which also provided me with the opportunity to build my professional network. As well as talks and workshops with industry professionals both in person and digitally, the organisation provided support and information as the sector grappled with Covid restrictions. My membership of TYAI has undoubtedly strengthened my professional practice as maker of theatre for young audiences, and has been a lifeline during these times of uncertainty, connecting me with both my fellow Irish TYA artists and with professional networks in the UK, US and further afield." Cathal McGuire, Game Theory
"As an individual member of TYAI since 2008, I have benefited enormously from being part of a community that has developed and championed the importance of Theatre (and Dance) for young audiences in Ireland and around the world. TYAI not only is the formal home of ASSITEJ in Ireland, but also provides an important infrastructure within which artists can build meaningful and sustainable careers in creating and presenting excellent theatre experiences for young audiences." Paul Curley, Theatre Artist
"TYAI has been invaluable for my practice over the past years. TYAI has connected me with other artists working in the field from Ireland and from abroad, and has allowed me to develop my work and deepen my understanding of the field of performing arts for children, giving me the opportunity to visit Belfast Children's festival in 2019. During this Covid 19 crisis, TYAI has provided a space for artists to share our realities, expressing different points of views, practices and continuing strengthening and growing the sector and our professional development." Monica Munoz, Dance Artist